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Education courses

Nordic Education Experience institute education courses

Category: Courses
Tags: Education courses

Professional Development Program in Digital Learning

Mastering ICT in pedagogical use is one of the most demanding but also one the most important tasks for a school in modern world. As for a learning community, to be able to tackle problems like world faced in spring 2020, competence in ICT pedagogy, distance learning and technological skills are needed. This professional development program will concentrate on developing the ICT competence and pedagogical practices of staff and management.

Fundamental Level – Enhancing Digital Competence in Learning

The fundamental level consists of two separate modules Pedagogical practices in Distance Learning and Technical Tools in Distance learning. The goal of basic level training is to familiarize the participants with the pedagogical practices and technical tools in distance learning so that participant will be able to use the learned topics to support everyday work.

Module I: Pedagogical Practices in Distance learning

Module II: Technical Tools in Distance Learning

Intermediate Level – Digital Competence in Subject-Specific Learning

In the Intermediate level training participants will select module/modules that are most connected in their everyday work. In these modules the participants will practice the use of ICT in their respective subject categories from technical and pedagogical point of view.

Module I: Artistic and practical subjects

Module II: STEAM- education

Module III: Language learning

Module IIII: Social Studies

 Advanced Level – Training for Trainers and Institutional Experts

Advanced level training will focus on carrying out the ICT development work in the schools independently. Goal of the advanced level training is to train trainers that can develop the schools operating culture independently and work as a trainer for their colleagues.

Module I: Developing School´s ICT competence

Module II: Institution as a functioning ICT learning community

All modules are completely online and operated in Moodle-platform. Workload of each module is ca. 12 working hours except the advanced level. Technical support and expert support on content is provided in the course. All participants will receive a course certificate diploma provided by the University of Oulu.

Managing Change in Education

Educational reforms and new innovations make it imperative for schools to keep up to date with all the new aspects in education. For a learning community, to be able to tackle problems like the ones world faced in spring 2020, it is important to manage change swiftly and effectively. During this online course the participants will improve their knowledge and skills in managing change in their own organizations. It will provide an opportunity to reflect on the practices in their own communities and to learn new methods and thinking models to better implement inevitable change. The assignments in this course are designed to enhance the growth of one’s individual competence by enabling reflection and development of the thought process and one’s own actions in change management.

Consultation and Expert Services

We offer consultation and expert services on all aspects of higher education development. Over the years we have actively participated in different types of consultation projects ranging from teacher training and curriculum development to establishing whole new faculties.

Managing Change in Education – This section concentrates on the theoretical basis of change management in education. The participants will learn the theoretical background of why change is inevitable and what are the requirements for the change to become possible. The participants will reflect on their own experiences and compare them to the theoretical background of change management. The participants will learn to connect practical change management with its theoretical framework.

Practical Experiences in Managing Change – This part of the course will introduce real-life requirements and tools for change management. In this section the participants will learn concrete ways of making the atmosphere and conditions ready for successful change. It will concentrate on experiences in managing change and provide tools and guidance on how the participants can carry out change in their own working communities. From the experiences shared in this course, the participants will gather valuable practical information on change management which they can utilize in their own work.

Combining Face-to-Face learning and Distance Learning from Management point of view – This section focuses on combining face-to-face learning and distance learning into an effective solution from management point of view. It will focus on theoretical framework as well as practical perspective. Participants will receive information and guidelines on how to transform their institution to support hybrid learning and its best practices. They will learn the prerequisites of hybrid learning from the infrastructure, curriculum, student support and professional development point of view.

Details of the Course

All modules are completely online and operated in Moodle-platform. Workload of each module is ca. 3-4h working hours, with total of 9-12 working hours. Technical support and expert support on content is provided in the course. All participants will receive a course certificate diploma provided by the University of Oulu.

Tailored Education Services

Tailored education services are targeted for companies and organizations looking for professional competence development.

We have a long experience in offering short- and long-term training courses in several fields, e.g. education, entrepreneurship, sustainability and environmental engineering.

Our training contents are research-based in the scientific fields of our multi-disciplinary university. In our trainings we use our wide network of experts. All the participants will receive a university level course certificate.

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